Sunday, April 28, 2013

Next Stop Zurich

As I’m procrastinating, I’m daydreaming of Europe, where I’ll be so soon! I can hardly believe senior year at TCU is coming to a close. It is truly bittersweet,  and how I feel about it is constantly in flux. One minute I’m ecstatic about future possibilities, the next I’m unbelievably sad about the upcoming goodbyes and separation from some of the people I love most. Over the next two weeks (what?? So fast!), I will try to balance school work, packing, planning, and having an amazing last hoorah with my wonderful friends.
 After that, in just a short 16 days, I will be in a plane on my way to Zurich, Switzerland, my new home for 14 months. Here, I will be an au pair for two adorable boys and hopefully, fingers crossed, learn German. For all of those who are unaware, I’ll give a quick break down about demographics and language in Switzerland. There is no actual Swiss language. Rather, Switzerland is broken into different language regions, and I will be in the German-speaking area. Actually, the official language is Swiss German, which is quite different than standard German, but I will learn standard German. The other major language region is French- speaking, and there is also a small Italian-speaking region. These language regions are due to the countries that border the different parts of Switzerland. Switzerland is bordered by France, Italy, Austria, and Germany.
Switzerland is an amazing central location, so I am incredibly excited to spend some time traveling around Europe and immersing myself in different cultures. The next year feels so open, and I can’t really envision what it will look like, which is a bit liberating. Go on this journey with me and see how the next chapter unfolds.