Saturday, May 18, 2013


I officially arrived in Switzerland on Wednesday. The journey to my new home was a bit hectic, but I was pleased to get there in one piece. After I boarded my plane from DFW to Miami, the flight crew announced that there was a hydraulic leak and that we would have to change planes. This process was quite lengthy, and I realized I would miss my connecting flight in Miami if I didn’t figure something out, so the airline helped me come up with a plan B. I ended up making a last minute flight to Chicago so I could catch the flight to Dusseldorf, Germany, and then I could finally be on my way to Zurich. In all this, my baggage got lost because it was on the late flight to Miami. Luckily I had extra clothes in my backpack, so it ended up just fine.
                When I arrived at the airport in Zurich, I had to have a lengthy chat with the lost baggage desk. I had no way of contacting the family I’m au pairing for, the Bodmers, so I was a bit nervous we would miss each other since I was late meeting them. However, after a couple of misunderstandings, we found each other and made our way to Zumikon, a suburb of Zurich and my home for the next 14 months.
                The area around me is amazingly beautiful!! It’s truly like a fairytale, with wild flowers everywhere and quaint, Snow Whitesque houses. The family I’m with surpassed my expectations. The boys, Alec and Robin, are very sweet and warm. They try quite hard to communicate in English with me and do very well, and they are teaching me some Swiss German! Mrs. Bodmer has been showing me the ropes and introducing me to the area. I’m already beginning to feel like I’m part of the family. I have not had much of a chance to explore yet or meet other people, but I am eager to. I am beyond excited to see what develops in the near future and settle in even more in my new Swiss home. 

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