Monday, June 3, 2013

Ticino Ticino

Fiona, Ali, and I.

After rain, rain, and more rain, some other girls and I decided to flee to southern Switzerland to get some bright, shining, warm weather. On Sunday, we went to Lugano, which is in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland. The train ride was about two and a half hours long. The first two hours the scenery was beautiful yet foggy and eerie. Then all of a sudden we went through a tunnel, and when we came out the other side, it was gorgeous and sunny! Welcome to paradise.

Being in Lugano felt like being in a completely different country. The language and culture drastically contrasted with the German part of the country I’ve been living in. The city was gorgeous, quaint, and full of wonderful Italian food. There were green, green mountains jutting right out of the pristine, blue lake. We took a funicular to the top of Monte San Salvatore and got a spectacular view of the city, lake, and mountains. It was surreal seeing palm trees and snow covered Alps at the same time. Even the train rides through the country are a wonderful part of the journey. It seems that every step along the way is postcard perfect, with mountains, lakes, waterfalls, beautiful homes and farmland. Switzerland truly is blessed with some of the most amazing scenery I’ve ever seen in my life.

We spent the rest of the day wondering around the city, eating gelato, and soaking up the sun. It was such a refreshing day, full of relaxation, exploring, and new friends.  This diverse country keeps me on my toes and continues to keep me in awe of all that it has to offer. 

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